Clover Payment System Integration

Integrate Clover Payment System
The Cardpointe integrated Clover payment terminal API is built for developers looking to integrate payments with a custom point of sale system software application. The Clover payment device integration is available for the Clover Mini and Clover Flex credit card EMV NFC processing machine equipment. Integrate a Clover programmable terminal with a custom POS solution through Cardconnect.
Clover Flex

Clover Flex

Clover Mini

Clover Mini

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Clover Systems Developer API

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These materials were prepared by CardConnect (Integrate Payments Inc.), an independent sales agent for CardConnect, LLC. All trademarks, service marks and trade names referenced in this material are the property of their respective owners. CardConnect is a registered ISO of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.,Concord, CA. CardConnect (Integrate Payments Inc.) is an independent sales agent for CardConnect, LLC. CardConnect (Integrate Payments Inc.) is a contracted reseller of the Clover™ Solution. This Web page or Web site is not an official page of Clover Network Inc., First Data, its subsidiaries or affiliated businesses.

The CLOVER® logo and marks are owned by Clover Network, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of First Data Corporation, and are registered or used in the U.S. and many foreign countries. All trademarks,service marks and trade names referenced in this material are the property of their respective owners. Use of CLOVER® requires a Merchant Processing Agreement.